Errece - Ceramic Machinery

Errece, símbolo de experiencia y progreso

Company Position

Errece is a company with more of 25 years experience in ceramic machinery and tanks to the human resources and elevate technology is acquiring national and international markets.

Corporate Values

  • “Glocal” experience (global and local): more than 25 years of experience
  • Management ardour: Style and management of their managers
  • Human resources: one of the most important values
  • Strategy of communication

    To move backwards for moving forward: think how to invent yourself again.

    The total time of 25 years the Company spent as machinery producer in the ceramic machinery gives the necessary strength to go on towards the future even when the market situation is not so clear.

    The management know-how is to consider every weakness as an opportunity to increase the company strength, with the help of all the staff, being very clear a common effort is the only way for being successful

    ERRECE MAQUINARIA CERÁMICA - Polígono Industrial “El Mijares”, C/ Onda nº4, 12550 Almazora (Castellón) España
    Tel: 0034.964.56.22.51 Fax: 0034.964.56.02.09